What You Shouldn't Share About Your Kids On Social Media

We hear it all the time.
Don't post that. Why did you post that? Oh God, did you have to post THAT?
Kids are embarrassed. By a certain age, it seems as though our kids are primarily embarrassed by
. Showing off baby pictures to friends when they came over to the house is a thing of the past. Today, we can embarrass- and by that we mean display our undying love for, devotion to, and pride in- our kids on a global digital platform: the world wide web. Much to our children's dismay, we parents are on social media. The very same platforms your children use to post about their own lives, get accolades for the perfect selfie, track the every activity of their crush, or vehemently loathe an adversary is the one you're using to promote your child. With the right settings in the wrong places, anyone who can access your social media profile has access to everything you post. At first it may seem as though this is of no consequence, because if it were up to you, you'd have a running billboard on busiest boulevard with your child's face on it. However liberating the digital media world is, it is still a dangerous place, which is why you are well informed of every single parental safety option available on your child's digital devices. To the many heathens of the online realm, there is no protective halo of parent that embodies your profile. What your child may be keeping secret, you may be making public, putting yourself, your child, and your family at risk.
Don't share everywhere you are, everything you're doing, all of the time
Bryson's feet have grown two sizes in two weeks so we are back at Foot Locker in the Oxford Mall! Checking in all the time gives away your location. When you are home, making public what is otherwise private information about your residence is also a threat. Security should be a first priority. Just like you would instruct your child not to tell a stranger where they live, you should take the same advice into consideration.Don't share details about your child that could be used to access personal information
There have been multiple warnings against posting pictures of plane tickets, passports, driver licenses and personal information. Personal details like birth dates, ages, hospital locations, and other profile indicators could be used by hackers.Don't ask for the public's help in shaming your child
Garnering support and validation for being right as a parent is a sought after pastime. Viral photos and videos go around of parents punishing their children through social media in order to prove a point. Though the merits of transparency might be admirable, the content of public shaming can be damaging to them now and in the future. If you happen to tag your child in the video or reveal any of those personal details, a potential employer could find that in the future. Good , you might think now. Sorry , you'll probably think later.Most importantly, don't post about your child's addiction struggles, treatment experience, or their recovery without their explicit permission. Recovery is anonymous and deeply personal. At Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center, we bring the family together through life-cleansing, foundation-building recovery and academic support.
Call us today for information on our clinical treatment programs for adolescent and teen boys: 662-598-4214