Reasons to Be Grateful in Your Teenage Recovery

Gratitude plays a huge role in recovery. As a teen in recovery, you may not have discovered that mental state of gratitude which is so instrumental. Finding a new way of life in recovery can be scary and confusing because you are in a confined age group since the number of addicted teens who make it into recovery is limited.
You are a unicorn.
To get sober from drugs and alcohol at such an early age is truly remarkable. Getting into the solution of recovery is not an easy alternative to face and here you are trying to become the best sober version of yourself you can be. Doing what many adults cannot even handle during your teenage years makes you a rare breed - like a unicorn.
You are ahead of the curve.
Trying to find your place in the world is what your education is leading you to figure out. When drugs and alcohol take you out and you have the strength to make a decision to do better by getting help for your substance abuse, you are working towards a better future. Treatment gives you the ability to learn life skills and offer opportunities to move forward in a much better way than being caught up in your addiction.
You are making the best choice.
If you are addicted to drugs and alcohol, recovery is 100 percent where you need to be. To continue on the path that your addiction is taking you on means that you are heading down a miserable path that is hard to come back from. Now that you are in recovery, the journey you are traveling down is going to positively affect your life more than drugs and alcohol ever could.
You are setting a good example.
No matter your age, you are letting others who struggle with substance abuse know that recovery is the better option for anyone in any age group. The work that recovery takes is not really as enticing as the effects that alcohol and drugs produce. Once they see how happy and free you are in your sobriety, you may give them some reasons to follow in your footsteps.
Recovery is probably not what you anticipated for your life, but here you are. Reach out and grab onto your recovery and never let go. Being grateful looks good on you.
If you or an adolescent you know needs to get help for drug or alcohol abuse, Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center can give you the guidance that you deserve. Establishing a strong network of family and community can reinforce practices for living substance free.
Call us today to start living in your recovery: 662-598-4214