How to Talk with Your Parents

Even though you might feel uncertain about talking with your parents about your substance use, it's the right thing to do. We understand it's awkward, and there's no best way to have this critical conversation. Most parents think they know everything about their kids and assume substance use wouldn't be an issue for their children. It's crucial to approach your parents to have a conversation and not a confrontation. At the end of the day, your parents love you and want what's best for you. Help them understand what you are going through and how they can help.
Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center is here to help you with every step of your recovery. We can help with communication with your parents about your substance use and mental health issues. Contact our team today at
662.373.2828 to learn more.
Communication Tactics For Teens and Parents
When talking with your parents about your substance use and mental health issues, honesty is critical. Tell them what you've been dealing with, and let them know you need help. Make sure you set the tone for the conversation, ask a neutral friend or family member to assist, and seek a professional to be an intermediary. It won't be easy, but to be successful in your treatment and recovery, you'll need your parents' support and understanding. Here are a few do's and don'ts to aid in communicating with your parents.What to Do
Provide your parents with as much information as you can on your substance use. You can also speak with people you trust for emotional support. Furthermore, you should choose a time and place that provides privacy and enough time for uninterrupted discussion and allow them to ask you straightforward questions. Other tips include:- Answer them honestly
- Share what you've been going through
- Tell them what their support means to you
- Acknowledge that you need help
- Ask if they will help you get the treatment you know you need
- Have somebody on-hand to call if the conversation doesn't go as planned
What Not to Do
Please don't have the conversation in a public place, as that can lead to embarrassment and other issues. You also shouldn't include people you don't trust in the process. Limit the conversation to just yourself and your parents. You should also have this conversation while you're sober, which can help you stay in control of your actions and reactions. Try not to get violent, agitated, or defensive, and don't make them feel guilty. Most importantly, don't end the conversation without a resolution to the problems.Communicate and Educate
Having one conversation with your parents may not be enough. You may need to sit down with them several times before they understand the seriousness of your situation. Don't let this stop you from seeking the help and treatment you need right away. Talk to a professional and continue to talk with your parents as their support and understanding will only help your lifelong recovery. Remind your parents that you want and need their support through this process. Focusing on these key points will keep your communication with your parents on track. These tactics include:- Seek the help of a professional. Do it together with your parents so that you all understand your diagnosis and what it will take to get you on the road to lifelong recovery.
- Find opportunities for real conversation. Make sure your parents know that they are your most important influence. They need to know that it's important for you to talk with them and have them listen often.
- Ask for empathy & support. Try your best to get your parents to understand. Acknowledge your mistakes and struggles, and that you recognize that your substance use was not a healthy way to cope with your problems.
Contact Us To Learn More About Our Programs for Teens
We know talking with your parents won't be easy. We've got resources, so lean on us. Let them know they can reach out to our treatment team at any time and discuss your treatment options. We offer a variety of individualized treatment, including:- Residential addiction treatment
- Detox services
- Aftercare recovery program
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
- Experiential therapy programs
- Family recovery support therapy program
- On-campus family program