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5 Common Signs of Anxiety

An individual with an anxiety disorder may fear events, places, objects, and situations that are not life-threatening. Many teens and adults struggle with this condition, so it is essential to recognize anxiety and promptly find treatment. Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center can help your teen to overcome the condition through various experiential therapy programs. If you're wondering whether you're suffering from anxiety, our team can help. Contact us today at 662.373.2828 to learn more.

1. Anxiety Causes Lethargy

The disorder can sap your loved one's mental, physical, and emotional energy. If this happens, the person can experience continued tiredness, causing unproductivity. If your teen has sleep troubles due to worrying about school, this can be exhausting and may create long-term problems in different areas of life. The symptoms of anxiety can lead to lethargy and affect the teen's physiology when left untreated.

2. Self-Medication

Mental health issues can co-occur alongside substance use disorders. For example, mental disorders symptoms can be uncomfortable, and some may take drugs and alcohol to self-medicate. Teens with personality disorders, schizophrenia, and depression, are at a higher risk of substance abuse. Unfortunately, self-medication does not offer a long-term solution because it only provides numbing effects. Therapists recommend avoiding the different forms of self-medication, including over-eating and excessive drinking. Such behaviors can lead to drug and alcohol dependency. Also, teens can adopt destructive lifestyles and suffer severe consequences. If you are looking for anxiety treatment, check into a rehab facility to get your loved one the much-needed help. At rehab, therapists evaluate the signs of anxiety first before prescribing a personalized treatment program that incorporates therapies such as:

3. Tense Body

You may have a tense body because of anxiety. The disorder affects the body, causing physiological problems like soreness, lack of relaxation, and tightening muscles. If you struggle with physical movement or feel tensed up for no reason, it could be due to the signs of anxiety. Apart from tightening muscles, other physical symptoms include:
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Feeling tired and weak
  • Nervousness and restlessness
  • Sense of impending doom
  • Trembling
  • Sweating

4. Over Worry

People with this disorder can worry about unimportant things. For example, you may worry too much about the future instead of concentrating on the present moment. While it may be normal to think about irrational things, consult a mental health professional if it continues to the point of affecting other areas of your life.

5. Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia occurs when you are afraid of socializing with other people or going to public places. Individuals with an anxiety disorder may prefer to remain confined in their homes to avoid vital social engagement. Watch out for panic attacks, dwindling social interaction, and other insurmountable problems. If you are missing opportunities because of avoiding work meetings or interacting with peers, you could be struggling with the symptoms of anxiety without knowing. Is there a cure for the condition? Anxiety treatment consists of medication, behavior therapy, and psychotherapy. However, a therapist will first evaluate your condition to establish whether you have underlying health issues, substance dependency, and other conditions before starting treatment. It helps them to understand your situation and use an individualized program for holistic healing.

Overcome Mental Disorders at Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center

Is your teenager battling anxiety? It can be a devastating experience for the entire family, but experts can help your loved one recover permanently. If left untreated, the disorder can affect all life areas, including work, school, relationships, and social connections. Seeking an early treatment will guide your loved one in the right direction and avoid possible life-threatening consequences. Contact Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center at 662.373.2828 to get started on the journey to recovery.

What to Expect When Your Child Goes to Treatment   

What to Expect When Your Child Goes to Treatment

More than half a million families put a child into residential treatment for adolescents each year. If your family is taking this step, you are not alone - even if it may feel that way. With a clear understanding of what to expect, and trusted guides walking alongside you, this moment can be transformed from a time of fear and uncertainty to the beginning of a new and positive journey. Let's begin.