You may feel like every time you talk to your parents about your problems that all they want to do is to fix you. Instead of telling them how you are feeling about your recovery and share the ups and downs you are going through, you may be getting frustrated with how they are treating you like a baby. Getting support from your parents is not what you are looking for because they have become impossible to deal with and you are just done talking to them. Well, the first thing you need to realize is that without support for your recovery, you will not be able to stay sober for the long run and your parent's can be great advocates for you if you let them.
They have supported you
Your parents may be annoying with their comments and suggestions, but they just want you to succeed in your recovery. Everyone in the family is learning to deal with an addiction that they probably do not have any idea how to comprehend. Just like people have been patient with your actions, return the sentiment. Remember they were there when you needed support, so return the favor and be grateful.
General is the key
Telling your parents everything is probably not in the best interest for anyone. They do not need to know and probably do not want to know your darkest secrets are. Get a therapist or a sponsor to be able to open up to someone who will not have an emotional reaction to all the things that encompass your addiction. This way you can get out the painful stuff to someone who can guide you to get help and talk to your parents about your day to day stuff.
Just give it try
Have you really ever set down to talk to your parents? Have you asked them what is going on with them? You may be pleasantly surprised how they may treat you like an adult if you let the conversation flow. If they start asking you questions about things that make you uncomfortable, do not get mad and storm out. Tell your parents that you do not know how to talk about that subject and get some advice from your therapist on how to approach that subject the next time it comes up. Once you give having a conversation with your parents a try, it should get easier by setting healthy boundaries that you have learned from working your program.
Your parents can be assets to you if you use your recovery to your advantage. Work your 12-Steps or ask your parents to be a part of your therapy, so that everyone can heal and get along together.
If you or an adolescent you know needs to get help for drug or alcohol abuse, Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center can give you the guidance that you deserve. Establishing a strong network of family and community can reinforce practices for living substance free.