Bouncing knees. Squirming in their seat. Tapping their toes. Tapping their fingers. Tapping their pencil. Looking one direction then abruptly looking another direction with an audible sigh. Fidgeting. Asking to get up. Losing focus in class. Getting reprimanded for not listening. Getting disciplined for not doing something the right way. Getting scolded for being too hyper. This is the plight of students with ADHD. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common disorder of the brain, impacting a significant amount of children, teenagers, as well as adults.
Hyperactivity means having an abundance of energy and lightning fast brain processing. Kids with ADHD find it difficult to pay attention because it is hard to keep their attention. The ADHD brain flies from one attention grabbing thing to the next, trying to find a place to settle. Though kids with ADHD seem to be all over the place with their focus, when they find a place to put their energy and attention, the bond of focus cannot be broken. Medical care such as an ADHD treatment program could help children regain focus and confidence in school. For everything in between, there is a struggle to be fully present, which causes problem in school.
School children are expected to sit still, attentively devote their focus to the teacher, and follow the rules obediently. ADHD kids rarely adhere to these expectations. Trying desperately to conform to the way education systems want them to be, ADHD kids can lose out on their education. If schools and school teachers were more willing to accommodate a brain disorder than force a brain disorder to accommodate them, there would be a drastic difference in the performance and productivity of children with ADHD.
The University of Central Florida studied ADHD boys as well as boys without ADHD between the ages of 8-12 years old. Undergoing a variety of tasks that required their focus, boys demonstrated that most young boys move a little bit during strenuous work. Their tasks included watching a math video, performing math calculations, and watching part of a movie. During the math calculations and math videos, the boys with ADHD moved twice as much as the boys without ADHD. Previous studies by the researchers at the University found that when ADHD children had the freedom to move as much as they needed to, they excelled in cognitive performance. Comparatively, children without ADHD struggled with movement.
Stonewater Adolescent Recovery offers a life-cleansing, foundation-building program to adolescent and teenage boys needing clinical care for addiction and/or alcoholism. Located in the remote Mississippi countryside, our beautiful home offers the perfect environment and privacy for total transformation in mind, body, and spirit.
Call us today for information on our programs for treatment and academic support: 662-598-4214